Chair of the Commission for the Human Future

Dr Arnagretta Hunter is a physician and cardiologist. She understands medicine through our human biology, the social determinants of health, and the broader environmental context. Before her medical career, she completed a BA(Hons) in political science at University of Melbourne and has both MBBS and MPH from University of Sydney with a particular interest in health policy. She trained at St Vincent’s Hospitals in Sydney and Melbourne, and worked as a cardiologist in Wagga Wagga for several years before moving to Canberra in 2014. She was a Clinical Senior Lecturer with UNSW Medical School and now teaches at ANUMS. She has also taught with the RACP programs in NSW and ACT.

She writes and speaks about health and climate change with work through the ANU Climate Change Institute and as ACT Chair for Doctors for the Environment Australia.  She is a member of the Climate and Health Alliance, and is on the Friends Advisory Board for the National Rural Health Alliance. She is a 2019 Churchill Fellow, assessing the role of narrative in health and is a Visiting Fellow in 2020 at RegNet ANU.